OPSC Announces Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) Vacancies for Panchayati Raj

access_time 1710227580000 face SACRED CIVIL
OPSC Announces Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) Vacancies for Panchayati Raj The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has released an exciting opportunity for aspiring civil engineers with its recent advertisement (Advt No: 33 of 2023/24 ). The OPSC is seeking qualified candidates to fill 63 ...

College Foundation Course Civil Engineering (Semester 1 to Semester-8)

access_time 1672229040000 face SACRED GURUKUL
College Foundation Course Civil Engineering (Semester 1 to Semester-8) FREE ONLINE LECTURES AND COURSES FOR ENGINEERING Join the increasing number of students enrolling in online college courses and start earning credits towards your degree. One in every four students now take at least one class on...